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Spiritual Guidance: 

Enhance your awareness and expand your consciousness with the help of spiritual guidance. Transpersonal psychotherapy uses aspects of spiritual growth to remove constraints to wellbeing. In contrast, spiritual guidance uses transpersonal methods, as well as guidance from the practitioner's spiritual life, to assist clients on their sacred path. This is a process of facilitating the spiritual growth for individuals with healthy egos and who's functioning is not being hindered by symptoms of mental illness.  Unfortunately, this type of work is not covered by insurance. One way to look at it is coaching for your soul. 


As mentioned above, some of the techniques are similar to transpersonal psychotherapy. Rather than focusing on healing, the focus is on reaching new heights of growth, consciousness, and spiritual enrichment. This work is spiritual, but not religious (unless you want it to be). That is, it is compatible with all world-views. It involves conversation, as well as direct experiential work. Methods vary, but often include exploration of archetypes, meditation, journeywork, breath work, movement, creative expression,  mystical traditions, nature communing, in-depth communication, and existential dilemmas.

Wisdom Tree Therapy; Body, Mind Spirit
Quote from Bill Plotkin from "Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche," about death, shadow, romance, consiousness, and spirit.
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